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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

News: UE's IERM and FA's Genesis

So Ultimate Ears announced another custom this week and it is called the 'In-Ear Reference Monitor'. In the audio world, the word 'reference' is generally overused to emphasize the technical aspect of a particular product. For this IEM however, it is meant to tell people that it is designed for actual on-stage and studio usage (mixing, live recording, etc). Being a 'reference class' gears, one thing UE want to make clear is that this IEM really do measured very flat (though they never did show any frequency graph) and it is a collaboration work between UE and the Capitol Studios.Though I have no doubt about Capitol Studios being good at what they do, I am really not too sure why UE needs someone else to tell them how to make an ruler flat IEM. The only interesting thing to see is that UE adapters a new type of curved connector on the cable and likely will make it more comfortable on wearing. Spec wise, from the information so far it seems the IERM has a two combined treble + mid drivers and a bass driver in a two ways setup. The MSRP is almost $1k and you can expect to pay more after including the earmold and shipping fee.

On another news, Fischer Audio has recently released / announced a few more new IEM. One of them, the Genesis is about to be released very soon (it looks gorgeous, right?). FA has certainly grown a lot more since their first appearance. Things that I do hope they can do better is to improve their manufacturing process and try to speed things up a bit, plus bringing their website more up-to-date with current information could really do them some good.

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Important: All postings are my own personal opinion only and should not be treated as absolute truth. I do get things wrong just like everyone else. Always do your own research!

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