This week we have quite an intriguing new headphone design from a Japanese company called Sanwa. The company latest offering, the 400-HS011, has a half clip-on, half in-ear and fully opened design. There isn't many detail on this in-ear-clip-on: 18mm driver unit, maximum output of 10mW, frequency range of 16Hz to 20kHz, and expected weight around 30g. Its most interest feature is of course how the headphone is meant to be wore. The actual earpiece sits just outside of ear canal but slightly above, than its nozzle extends down into the opening of the ear canal but it doesn't fully cover it (thus an opened design). This is no doubt one of those headphones that are designed for people who don't want isolation. Whether it'll sound as good as its design is at this point everybody's guess. The MSRP in Japan is about US$32.50, but I am not sure it will be able to make its way out of the country though.
Those of you who want a closer look can visit Sanwa's website here.